The TADS Alternate Library
Version 2.0
Wrapper Functions
Copyright 2000 by Kevin Forchione.
This is part of the TADS Alternate Library Authors Manual.
Introduction and Table of Contents
You must use these
special wrapper functions instead of the TADS 2 built-in functions.
The following table shows
the wrapper functions that must be used to help ensure the integrity of the
display outcapturing and queuing mechanism.
Wrapper Function |
built-in Function |
askForDobj() |
askdo() |
askForIobj() |
askio() |
command() |
execCommand() |
inputLine() |
input() |
nestOutcapture() |
outcapture() |
quitGame() |
quit() |
undoTurn() |
undo() |
yesOrNo() |
yorn() |
The inputLine()
wrapper will display any text being outcaptured before executing input() and
resets the outcapturing after input().
Use the nestOutcapture()
function, rather than the built-in outcapture() function. The nestOutcapture()
function provides a convenient way to nest outcapturing.
nestOutcapture(parm, term);
The arguments values are:
parm: true turn outcapturing on.
nil retrieve
current level of outcaptured data and turn outcapturing on.
term: true retrieves all nested levels of outcaptured data. Does not turn outcapturing on as this parameter is used to indicate that control is returned to the parser (by for example quitGame() or askForDobj()).
For example, this code:
str, str1, str2, str3;
str =
"This is the first-level ";
str =
"This is the second-level ";
str =
"This is the third-level outcapture [level 3]. ";
= nestOutcapture(nil);
"outcapture [level 2]. ";
= nestOutcapture(nil);
"outcapture [level 1]. ";
= nestOutcapture(nil);
will produce the following
This is the first-level outcapture [level 1]. This is the second-level outcapture [level 2]. This is the third-level outcapture [level 3].